Mount and blade dyeworks
Mount and blade dyeworks

mount and blade dyeworks

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. When I made enough profit I wraband back the Lords. But when I collected the taxes I didn’t bring them to the Lord strait away, I invested it buying goods and building factories usually the one that cost 10K. In one game I decide to play as a merchant, I accepted all the quests to collect taxes for lords, you can make like 6K from. However there are other ways of making money. If you place a max bet on yourself each round, you can earn up to If you find a tournament that suits your combat style go for it. The tournament reward is usually not too great, but its possible to earn a few thousand denars by betting on. You can earn a lot of money tradkng finding tournaments and entering.

mount and blade dyeworks

I don’t want to raid villages however and wouldn’t like to have to lose honor for it. I need to know what the most effective way to earn money is in Mount and Blade for a brand new character is. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service.

Mount and blade dyeworks